Guabina Daily Events
Here are specified those events that can be held daily in Guabina and that do not have schedules or dates. They are announced on Discord and ingame by the GameMaster or manager. Here you can see what the events consist of as well as the general rules of each one that can be modified by each GameMaster depending on the needs there are, so you have to be attentive to the announcements in the game so as not to violate any rule.
All those people who violate any rule of the event, even if it is due to ignorance of it, will be expelled and disqualified.

OX Event

When this event is activated they will read a sign that says (OX event activated enter by Uriel). It has no entry level limit, we can enter with any character through the aforementioned NPC Uriel that can be found in each City 1 of the different kingdoms.

The event only requires being attentive to the questions that are announced at the top of the screen. The way to respond to them is by placing our character in the O (if it is true) or X (if it is false). The questions can be from the game, general culture or test your luck (the O / X result is random). It is important not to leave our character in the middle line or to cross just before the time is up or we will be eliminated even if we are close to or in the correct answer.


When this event is activated they will read a message at the top that will say (lottery activated buy tickets in the Old Woman). Sometimes the award is announced multiple times, sometimes it is only announced once at the time of triggering the event.

All they have to do is go to said NPC that they can find in each City 1 of each kingdom and buy tickets (these are not a physical item, they can check the numbers they have in the Elder as well). It does not usually have a minimum level, the price of each ticket is usually 1 000 000 yang and the maximum number of tickets that can be purchased reaches up to 50. However, depending on each GM, the minimum level, number of tickets and price of the same. Once the draw is going to be done, you will see a message at the top indicating that there are 20 seconds left and then the winning ticket number and the name of the winning player will be announced. If you are the lucky one, all you have to do is claim your prize in the Elder.

Bosses and Metines

When this event is active you will be able to see at the top of your screen (bosses and metines in (name of the map) CH-X). It is not always done on the same map or the same CH, so you must be attentive to the ingame announcements to know where it will be. Bosses and Metines will be summoned all over the map at random. This event is also reported on Discord and game at the time it takes place.

Defend Your Metin

When this event is activated you will see a sign that says (defend your active metin, enter by Uriel lvl 15+). This event is announced on Discord and ingame at the time of doing so.

As indicated, all they need is to go to said NPC with a character that is at least lvl 15. Once inside we will remain standing next to the rock of our kingdom, which we must defend (not break it). When the GM announces that the event has started we have two options: the first is to stay in the area of our kingdom to defend our metin and the second is to go to the areas of the other kingdoms to try to break their metines. Rounds will be made in this event until a kingdom gets three points, when each round ends their character will be sent to city and they will have to re-enter through Uriel.

Once the rounds are finished, the winning kingdom is awarded the prize which is usually (although it may vary) an event of bosses and metines that can be accessed through portals that will be placed where the GM indicates it. These portals will be removed after a while so you should be attentive to the announcements.

Budokan Tournament

Once they see that the event is active they must go to the NPC Uriel (they find him in each City 1) and enter. They can enter with a player with a higher or lower level than the category that is active to be spectators of the event, but they will not let us register. On the other hand, if we have come with a character of the category level, what we must do is go to the center of the map and register our character in the Guardian there to be able to participate in the tournament. You have to be attentive to the announcements and very pending while the GMs give to register.

Find the Gm

When this event is active, you will see at the top of your screen a poster advising that the event that the event is going to be activated and in which channel it will be held. This event is notified by Discord and ingame at the time of making it.

Then the GM or GMs in charge will hide between the different maps, often polymorphized into mobs of the same, and they will give clues so that they can find out which map they are on, but not where.

Total Death

Once it is activated, they will see a poster at the top of their screens announcing it, it is announced by Discord and ingame at the time of doing it. Once they see that the event is active they must go to the NPC Uriel (they find him in each City 1) and enter.

This event is PVP with a field versus all races divided into different categories per level in which they will have 3 lives.

Last Survivor

Once it is activated, they will see a poster at the top of their screens announcing it. The GMs will indicate which map and channel they should go to. This event is carried out in three phases (one for each kingdom) and consists of a survival race while they are polyformed fleeing from aggressive mobs. It is advertised on Discord and ingame at the time of doing so.

The Table Asks

Once this event is activated, they will see a poster announcing it at the top of their screens. The GMs will indicate in which CH it is required to show the item by MP, in the case that it is required to show by trade the map will also be indicated (although this is not usually done). The requirements of the event may vary depending on each GM that performs it so you have to be attentive to the announcements that are made. This event is announced on Discord and ingame at the time of doing so.

Dragon Hunt

When this event is activated you will see a poster that announces it, for this event you need a character level 70 or more and you enter through the NPC Uriel (they find him in each city 1 of the kingdoms). This event is announced on Discord and ingame at the time of doing so.

At the end of the map is the green dragon that must be killed among all the kingdoms. Depending on the GM, he can leave only 1 dragon or take out some other or invoke metines of different kinds. The drop of this boss falls without a name so you have to be careful and hurry to collect the chests.

Fishing Event

Once this event is activated, they will see a poster announcing it at the top of their screens. The GMs will indicate to which map and channel they should go to show the fish or if it is required to show it by MP. The requirements of the event may vary depending on each GM that performs it so you have to be attentive to the announcements that are made. This event is announced on Discord and ingame at the time of doing so.

The GM in charge will require that a series of different fish be shown to him and the user who has the largest fish (or smallest if required otherwise) will be awarded. They will only be eligible to win if they deliver the required kind of fish in each round (eg they cannot deliver an Eel if Salmon is being required).

This event has only one winner per round and the prizes vary depending on the GM that performs it or the event itself. These are usually changes or war chests.

Lock Up The Prisoner

Once this event is activated, they will see a poster announcing it at the top of their screens. The GMs will indicate which map and channel they should go to. The requirements of the event may vary depending on each GM that performs it so you have to be attentive to the announcements that are made. This event is announced on Discord and ingame at the time of doing so.